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Cannot Choose Between Multiple Debugging Devices in Android Studio

If  you connect multiple Devices or Emulators to Android Studio and Run Application. Application will only run on the first run device.  It will not ask to select connected device.
1. If you connect one Device or Emulator
2. Run a project on the device or Emulator
3. Connect another Device or start another Emulator
4. Try to run project on new device
5. It will only run on first device  . will not ask to select Connected Device or Emulators
6. Select Deployment Target Dialog box will not show.

If this Problem occurs to you while Developing on android Studio .  First thing to do is to

  • Stop Application after running on the first device
  • This can be done by clicking Stop app icon which is left of the AVD manger icon.
  • Or by using Keyboard shortcut CTRL+F2
  • Now if you Run the project , Select Deployment Target Dialog box will pop up.
  • You can select another Device or emulator from the list
If still Select Deployment Target window not showing up and project runs on the first device . it will be due to problem with your Run Configuration
  • Go to Run --- Edit Configurations
  • In the General Tab look for Deployment Target Options
  • in that select "Open select Deployment Target Dialog" for target
  • Uncheck  "Use same device for future launches"

this will solve your problem😊

Now if you Run your Application deployment target Dialog will show. then select the device you need


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