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Showing posts from August, 2022

ViewModel with Jetpack Compose

  Compose uses remember API to store object in memory. Stored value is returned during recomposition . remember helps us retain data across recompostion , but when configuration changes happen all stored values are lost . One way to overcome this is to use rememberSaveable . rememberSaveable saves any value that can be saved in a Bundle , so it will survive configuration changes.  But when we are using lot of data , for example a list we can cannot use a rememberSavble beacuse there is limit on amount of data that can be stored in Bundle . So we use ViweModel . ViewModel provide the ui state and access to the business logic located in other layers of the app. It also survives configuration changes. ViewModel handles events coming from the UI or other layers of the app and updates the state holder based on the events. We need to add the following dependency in our app level build.gradle to use ViewModel implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:2.4.1" F...