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Showing posts from April, 2017

Android RecyclerView Example

RecyclerView RecyclerView is the advanced version of Listview . It has more flexibility than ListView . RecyclerView is Compatible with Api level 7 onward . We need an adpater class and layout manager for creating Recyclerview.  RecyclerView has 3 built in layout managers LinearlayoutManager - this shows items in vertical or horizontal list GridLayoutManger - this shows item in a grid StaggeredGridLayout Manager - this shows item in a staggered grid we can also create custom layout mangers by extending RecyclerView.LayoutManager class RecyclerView does not have a divider to separate ts iitems . if we want divider we need to extend ItemDecoration class to display the divider RecyclerView also does not have an onItemClickListener for onClick events so we need a class extending RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener for onclick events or we can use onlick listener in our adapter class we use LinearLayoutManager and a custom Adapter class in this example . This Demo ap...