Floating Action Button represents the primary action in application. They are used for special type of promoted actions. It is shaped like a Circled icon Floating above the UI. Floating Action button has 2 sizes , Default(56dp*56dp) and Mini(40dp*40dp) . Floating Action Button is a material design compenent so we need to follow some design guidelines while using it Important Floating Action Button Desin Guidelines Floating Buttons should only be used for positive actions like create,favorite,share,explore . It should not be used for destructive actions like delete,alerts,errors.. It should be placed minimum 16dp from the edge of the screen Icon inside the Floating Action Button should 24dp Only one floating Action button recommended per screen For more Guidelines visit https://material.io/guidelines/components/buttons-floating-action-button.html Floting ActionBar has special motion behaviour like morohing,launching and tranferring anchor points. It ca...